Access the World with World Languages and Cultures (AWWLC) is, as of February 2020, a Wyoming Nonprofit Organization (501(c) (3)). AWWLC is known on the University of Wyoming (UW) campus as the World Language and Culture Program (WLCP) and was founded by Dr. Dilnoza Khasilova in 2014.
AWWLC is a volunteer and service-learning program that offers free world language and culture classes both locally and around the U.S. and world in both face-to-face and virtual (via Zoom) contexts.
The AWWLC offers a nonformal, non-institutionalized (e.g., semi-structured) learning setting driven by unique student needs and desires (Khasilova, 2020). In this nonformal setting, learners interact with their native-speaking instructors to design an authentic, contextualized, hands-on/minds-on, and self-paced world language and culture curriculum that addresses each student’s unique goals and responds to each student’s favored learning styles.
AWWLC’s Uniqueness:
Similar World Language and Culture Programs (WLCP) exist in different educational institutions and settings, but the structure and mission of this nonformal WLCP, has a unique structure that is entirely voluntarily, instructed by native speakers, open to all learners (e.g., gender, age, religious backgrounds, social economic status, etc.), highly flexible, individualized, and responsive to unique student needs, learner-oriented by offering hands-on and minds-on authentic instruction, available at no charge, awards no credits or grades, facilitates one-on-one assistance and self-paced learning, focuses on offering both critical and less-commonly taught languages, and employs nonformal, non-institutionalized learning.